Urban Hero: Spotlight on Edgar Palacios, Latinx Education Collaborative
Since 2005, the Downtown Council has recognized more than 100 small businesses and individuals as Urban Heroes. Each one is passionate about making the urban community a more vibrant place to live, work, and play throughout the 22 adjacent neighborhoods and districts of greater Downtown KC.
Today’s article is one in a series designed to introduce you to the 2023 award winners, including Edgar Palacios.

The Latinx Education Collaborative hosted a teacher pinning ceremony in September, a commitment to adding 50 new Latinx educators into the pipeline by 2027. Participating partners included (back row, from left) Jorge Fuller, Kansas City Public Schools; Susana Elizarraraz, Latinx Education Collaborative; Eduardo Mendez, Guadalupe Centers Charter Schools; and Miles Sandler, Kauffman Foundatiom. Front row (from left): Katie Boody, Leanlab Education; Edgar Palacios, LEC; Laura Palacios, Kauffman Foundation; and Eric Wilkinson, Kauffman Foundation.
Edgar Palacios, MBA, President, CEO & Founder of Latinx Education Collaborative and sister organization Revolucion Educativa
Edgar Palacios is a man on a mission in the streets and classrooms of Kansas City.
“The Latinx Education Collaborative is a powerful community of educators and advocates dedicated to transforming the landscape of education for Latinx students,” Palacios said. “We believe that every student deserves to be taught by teachers who share their culture, language, and experiences.”
Today, roughly 30 percent of Kansas City students are Latino, a far cry from the number of Latino teachers.
“We want to make sure the teachers reflect the students in the classrooms today,” Palacios explained, “When students see themselves reflected in the teachers that serve them, they are going to have better educational outcomes and experiences.”

The Latinx Education Collaborative event in September also featured (from left) Dr. Uzziel Pecina, LEC; Susana Elizarraraz, LEC; Daniel Garcia-Roman, Guadalupe Centers; Daniel’s father; Edgar Palacios, LEC.
Born in Miami to Nicaraguan parents who fled their homeland during the civil war, Edgar has lived much of his life working to overcome the lack of representation and understanding of Latin American cultural or ethnic identity. Under Edgar’s leadership in Kansas City, the LEC is focused on raising the representation of Latino educators in K-12.
“We want to make sure the teachers reflect the students in the classrooms today. When students see themselves reflected in the teachers that serve them, they are going to have better educational outcomes and experiences,” he explained.
Edgar’s focus on improving the quality of life in Downtown neighborhoods, is driven by his desire to create a brighter future and a thriving Kansas City for generations to come.
“I believe cultural role models and teachers can enhance social skills, build self-esteem, and emotional connections in children,” Palacios said.
Click here to learn more about Edgar Palacios and his journey via the Downtown Council’s 2023 Urban Hero video profile.
The Downtown Council is currently accepting nominations for the 2024 Urban Hero awards. Click here to learn more. We welcome your nomination.